Application Notes

The old company name and logo may still be indicated on products, printed materials or web site published before its change. Those shall be read as the new ones.

Isolation / Temperature / Pulse / Strain Gauge / Potentiometer / AC
Pneumatic / Function / Power Supply / Alarm / Power Mesurement
Trend & Log/Communication / Surge Protection / Other Topics

032063 Now I am looking for transmitter for Current (CT) and Voltage (PT) transformers. But in M-System catalog, there are two category models that are for average and RMS (root means square) sensing. We would like to know how to select the suitable model.
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032065 We have a conveyor to carry coal. This conveyor feeds the coal to a hopper and we have to keep the volume of coal in the hopper constant. In order to do this we want to control the speed of conveyor which is driven by the motor. The motor has a tachogenerator that provides AC voltage output.
Do you have a signal conditioner which accepts a signal from a tachogeneator?
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Isolation / Temperature / Pulse / Strain Gauge / Potentiometer / AC
Pneumatic / Function / Power Supply / Alarm / Power Mesurement
Trend & Log/Communication / Surge Protection / Other Topics