Services & Support > Software Download & Upgrade >SFEW3E
SFEW3E: Loop Configuration Builder Software
The SFEW3E is used to program advanced computation and sequential control function block setting.

< How to Download and Install the Program>

1. Click [Download Now] button for the ZIP archive located at the bottom of this page to start downloading.
2. Locate the downloaded archive using Explorer on the Windows desktop and expand it using an uncompressing tool.
3. If an older version program is in your PC, please uninstall it before installing the new Builder software.
4. Double click Setup.exe file in the unzipped file folder to start installation.

For installing and using the SFEW3E software, please refer to the SFEW3E Users Manual (PDF)PDF.

< NOTE 1 >
With Windows Vista and Windows 7, [Program Compatibility Assistant] window may appear while the installation is progressing normally. Click 'This program installed correctly' and close the window to continue.

< NOTE 2 >
Project files saved in the SFEW3E Ver.1.20 or later version formats cannnot be read by an earlier version program.

< NOTE 3 >
When using Windows 10, please disable the SilentCleanup from a Task Scheduler of a Administrative Tools.
Please refer to the SFEW3E Users Manual.

Model No. SFEW3E
Version V1.106
OS Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Release Date Dec. 18, 2020
File ID ZIP Archive:
File Size

8.7 MB

ZIP Archive