网络数据记录仪 系列指南

DL8系列 Application Examples

Building MaintenancePDF
Applicable Area : Building maintenance
Application : Maintenance of feedwater pumps for buildings

Pumps are used to feed water to the water receiving tank located on the rooftops of buildings. Maintenance is essential as there are an increasing amount of pumps being used, including booster pumps to supply water directly to each residence. The R7EWTU* is used with the DL8 for inputting pump’s start-stop signals and power monitoring. *R7EWTU: Multi Power Monitoring Module

The R7EWTU alone will input the pump’s power/current/watt-hour measurement and start-stop signals. This data is then easily uploaded to the DL8 over the Modbus/TCP transmission function and displayed in web views.

In the DL8, the number of operations and operational time from the pump’s start-stop signals are cumulated and recorded.

In the event of pump malfunction, a contact signal showing abnormality is input to the DL8, and an e-mail notification is sent to a PC in the management office and to a mobile phone of maintenance personnel.

Building Maintenance

● Static IP or dynamic DNS is required.
